Woofi - Control Door Barking

Positive trigger replacement for your dog's door barking

Woofi product image

Meet Woofi

Woofi is the first completely automated solution to control your dog's door barking.

Positive Trigger Replacement

Woofi redirects your dog's attention AWAY from the door, and provides a positive reward for that behavior.

Answer Your Door in Peace

Woofi solves an annoying problem that plagues dog owners practically every day.

The Solution to a Common Problem

Click the Numbers Below

  • Dogs Can Bark at the Wrong Time

    Woofi is the first solution that teaches your dog for you, then automatically replaces the old triggers that cause your dog's unwanted barking.

    Combining 100-year-old Pavlovian principles with IOT connectivity, Woofi does everything for you so you can get back to loving your dog.

  • Start: Automated Training Mode

    Start by filling your Woofi Base with your dog's favorite food. Then set Woofi to Training Mode using your smart phone.

    Woofi takes it from there! By simultaneously playing a unique jingle and dispensing a small amount of food at various times during the day, your dog learns that this new jingle means food is being served.

  • Next: Switch to Active Mode

    After Woofi has taught your dog to respond to the jingle, you are ready to install the Woofi Doorbell button over your old doorbell button. This requires no wires or tools.

    Now when a wanted guest or delivery is at your door, the jingle tells your dog to get a treat instead of barking, leaving you free to peacefully answer the door.

  • Sentry Mode: When You WANT Your Dog to Bark

    Woofi's Sentry Mode helps keep the home safe when you want your dog to perform the usual duties of the home defender.

    Just set Woofi to Sentry Mode. In Sentry Mode, Woofi does not deploy food and plays your original doorbell sound, triggering your dog's bark response at the right time to keep your home and family safe.

Woofi Starter Kit

Hub of the Woofi Ecosystem

  • Woofi Doorbell

    Triggers the Woofi Base with its Motion Sensor or when the button is pressed.

  • Woofi App

    Trigger the Woofi Base, change settings, or use the Virtual Clicker from anywhere

  • Woofi Base

    Your dog learns that Woofi's unique chime means food is deploying from the Woofi Base. The base is controlled by devices from the Woofi Ecosystem.

  • Woofi Ecosystem

    Future Accessories: Woofi Kennel with automated Smart Door, One-Way DoggyDoor, long-range motion sensors, and sensors capable of detecting gate or door openings

Additional Features

Designed for Life

Dishwasher Safe

The food tray is easily removed from the base unit and can run safely through your dishwasher.

Food Monitoring

The Woofi App keeps track of the amount of food or treats your dog eats each day, so you know if you need to cut back at regular feeding times.

Ant Resistant

The food tray has an ant-resistant finish, making it safe for kitchens, laundry rooms, patios, and garages.

How It Works